[-empyre-] Re: second posting from teddy cruz

2. In general, the work of art and architecture even the kind that is
perceived as critical, continues to remain an isolated metaphor of
the conditions of crisisŠeven if the work allows revealing forgotten
socio-political histories, becoming an instrument of awarenessŠ It
always seems to stop there, a sort of reminder, a memorial site, a
poetic gesture, a cage, a game. It is ultimately unable to translate
itself into actual procedures of intervention that can generate the
conditions for transforming institutionsŠ very seldom art construct
the conditions from which new ways of intervention in the city can

i agree with just about every point Teddy makes here, but also feel at a loss to give them concrete form. The critique of memorials, games, gestures, etc is well taken, but i'm wondering if we can discuss some more concrete examples. i can think of a few, but i can also imagine those examples falling into the genres mentioned critically depending on one's perspective. Perhaps you can point to some examples that take this criticism into consideration and act accordingly Teddy?

4. The challenge at this moment is to pull things apart, to critically understand the way certain institutions operate, only then we can propose counter procedures that can generate new models of possibility. Traditionally, though, the notion of the avant-garde has proposed the opposite: that the artist keeps a 'critical distance' from the institutions in order to critique these spheres of power from the outside. Today, what's important is what I would call a 'critical proximity,' which in fact is the opposite: it's about us tactically entering the institutions in order to mobilize their resources and logics of organization. It is a very different agenda, less this sort of fake protest or rebellion.

There are institutions with which to develop generative, as well as critical, proximity, i think. One could argue that many "counter procedures" exist and are being implemented already in ways that are temporally and spatially solvent.
Toxic tours, for example, develop a critical relationship with contaminated spaces and social environments (as well as the conventions of tourism), but also develop generative social situations and conviviality surrounding their critical tactics.
And sometimes institutions just need to be taken down...
i know Teddy and Markus are participating in the Just Spaces symposia/ exhibition in Los Angeles at this moment, perhaps some of the projects (what about Teddy's and Markus' projects?) from that exhibition would provide some more concrete examples for discussion in these terms?

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